OCRd book entry or other narrative
W.C.; Ormond; M.Sc., M.C.E.; 1st class and final honour scholarship in Nat. Phil. 1910, 1st class and final honour scholarship in Civil Engineering 1912; A.M.I.C.E., A.M.l.E. (Aust.), A.M.C.l.; hockey half-blue. London 24.9.14, Sapper Engineers R.N. Div.; to R.E. 2/Lt. 5.12.14; Lieut. 1.1.16; A Capt. 16.12.17; Capt. 1.10.18; 130th Field Coy. 25th Div.; 74th Field Coy. 15th Div.; Instructor and later Senior Instructor Bridging School, France; Bridging Dept., Engineer-in-Chief Staff G.H.Q., France; wounded February 1916 and April 1917. Despatches 15.6.16, 23.12.18, June 1919; O.B.E. 3.6.19. Demob. England 8.4.19.
Upton, Thomas Haynes & New South Wales. Department of Main Roads (1930). The establishment of direct road communication between Sydney and Newcastle. Department of Main Roads, [Sydney]