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B.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.Aust. : Lieutenant, General List (Education Service) and 6th Aust. Broad Gauge Railway Operating Coy., A.I.F., France and England. Enlisting 15th December, 1916, on formation of 1st Section Railway Unit, after offering in August, 1914, for Intelligence Corps and passing fit for Home Service in September, 1916, was promoted sergeant on 22nd December and, sailing 7th February, 1917, arrived in France 15th May. Served with unit, renamed 60th Coy. attached Railway Operating Division, R.E., and later 6th Aust. B.G.R.O. Coy., forming Second Army Railway Troops, until September, 1918, when transferred to staff of Deputy Assistant Director of Railway Traffic, Tidworth. Twice recommended for commission in France, sent to A.I.F. Education Cadet School, Cambridge, and commissioned as Education Officer, Aust. Rly. Coys., 30th October. Recrossing to France, entered Courtrai with original coy. at the Armistice, and was demobilised in London 19th July, 1919, returning 14th February, 1921. Promoted lieutenant, 1st February, 1919. Hon. Archivist, University War Memorial. Early education at Sydney Grammar School.