OCRd book entry or other narrative
Arts : Lieutenant, 7th A.L.H. Regt., A.I.F., Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine. Enlisting in December, 1914, and sailing 4th February, 1915, as sergeant with 1st Battn. reinforcements, joined regt. in Egypt and was at Gallipoli from May till August, 1915, when wounded and evacuated to St. Andrew''s Hospital, Malta. Rejoining regt., served till the Evacuation and patrolled Suez Canal from March to May, 1916, returning to Australia on sick leave in June. Returning to camp, 9th October, rejoined regt. in Egypt and remained with it through Sinai, Palestine and Jordan Valley campaigns till demobilisation. Promoted second-lieutenant, 4th August, and lieutenant, 28th October, 1915. Early education at Cooerwull Academy and Sydney Grammar School. Later at St. Andrew''s College.