OCRd book entry or other narrative
M.C.E.G.S.; Trinity; former student of Science; tennis blue. 16.6.15, Pte. 23rd Btn.; to 2nd Pnr. Btn., 2/Lt., 1.4.16; Lieut. 23.7.16; to Div. H.Q. with Intelligence Corps 1.2.17; Capt. 25.3.17; seconded to Corps H.Q. March 1918; Gallipoli November-December 1915; Egypt to March 1916; then to France. Despatches 1916, 7.4.18 and 16.3.19. Demob. 18th April 1919.
Visible notes
In September 1917 he interrogated captured Germans, deriving information that averted a German counter-attack.
Played Davis Cup for Australia against Czechoslovakia in 1922. Runner Up in Vic Amateur Billiards Championship 1926. Wertheim was 6ft 6 inches tall.