Jose, Arthur Wilberforce

 Person: id 40949
University connections
Event flag
World War I
Family name
Given name(s)
Arthur Wilberforce
Naming note
Nom de Plume - Ishmael Dare
Survived WWI
OCRd book entry or other narrative
Not listed in the 1939 Book of Remembrance. Temporary lecturer in modern literature and Extension Board lecturer. Honorary Captain AMF Intelligence Branch RAN compiling a history of naval operations and analysing intelligence about China, Japan, the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies. At Charles Bean's request he was released in 1920 to write the naval volume of the Australian official war history. ADB entry
Wrote as Ishmael Dare' Sun and Cloud on River and Sea (1888), a collection of verses. AS himself, The Growth of the Empire, 1897, A Short History of Australia 1899, A Short History of Australasia ran to 12 editions by 1929 and was translated into French & 'The Royal Australian Navy, 1914-1918' which did not appear until 1928, due to delays caused by censorship concerns also Builders and Pioneers of Australia (London, 1928), and Australia, Human and Economic (London, 1932) ADB
Visible notes
In 1909-11 he also wrote a bi-monthly letter for the National Review. An early member of the (Royal) Australian Historical Society, he frequently contributed to its Journal and Proceedings and wrote for other magazines. Almost half of New South Wales—Historical and Economic (1912) was his.
ADB Entry ID
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