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M.B.E., B.A. (Syd. et Lond.) : Hon. Major, Y.M.C.A., A.I.F., Egypt, Gallipoli and Palestine. Sailing as Y.M.C.A. Secretary with 1st Battn. in 1914, served at the Pyramids and in hospitals at Alexandria. Established a forward Y.M.C.A. Base at Kephabos (Imbros), 26th August and the first Y.M.C.A. on Gallipoli at Anzac early in September, being ordered to evacuate, 15th December. From 1916 to 1918 was Supervising Secretary of Australian Y.M.C.A. work in Egypt and Palestine, and at the same time Supervising Field Secretary of all Y.M.C.A. work (English, Indian, New Zealand and Australian) on the Canal and in Palestine with H.Q. successively at Ismailia, Der-el-Bela and Jaffa. In 1919 was General Secretary of all Y.M.C.A. work there, returning in January, 1920. Awarded M.B.E. for work in 1918. Director of Education, Jaipur State, Rajputana, India.