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Kt, C.M.G., M.B., D.Sc. (Lond.), M.D., D.Sc. (Melb.),
Hon. D.Sc. (Shef. et Dub.), Hon. LL.D. (Edin.), Hon. D.C.L.
(Dur.), Hon. M.A. (Camb.), F.R.C.P., F.R.S., Demonstrator
in Physiology (1891) : Lieutenant-Colonel, A.A.M.C., A.I.F.,
Egypt, Gallipoli and France.
Enlisting in London 19th July, 1915, served as Consulting
Pathologist at Lemnos, in Egypt and at No. 3 Australian General
Hospital, Abbeville, from 15th April, 1917, and No. 25 Stationary
Hospital from 17th June, being demobilised in London. Promoted
temporary lieutenant-colonel, 25th February, 1916 ; lieutenant-colonel,
18th September, 1917. Made a C.M.G. in 1919 and Mentioned in
Despatches twice.
Director of Lister Institute, Professor of Experimental Pathology
and Fellow of King’s College, London, and formerly Professor of
Physiology, Melbourne.
Early education at Private School. Later at King’s College (Gold
Medallist) and St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, and University of Leipzic.